
So I have decided to let the world in on my very strange and odd mindscape.  Over time I hope to turn this into a collection of interesting, inspirational, or odd things.

I suppose the first thing should be a bit of a explanation on who I am.  I'm a 25 year old guy living in the suburbs of Chicago.  I work a part time blue collar job tossing stock at a local grocery store, which is far from a glorious profession I admit.  I am a fan of table top RPGs, videogames, artwork, sci-fi and fantasy.

A note on Digital Mystic and what it means.  Aside from the small pun of DM being used for a blog that will entail RPGs, the name was conjured up late one night.

Realizing my creative talents were waning I decided to interject a fair bit of fantasy into my own life as I worked.  Almost as a child does when playing, while crafting a storyline as I wrote and drew on my tablet, I found myself thinking of a fictitious wizard or magician bringing my digital creation to life.  While it may sound corny or stupid, it did keep me going long enough to finish my assignment on time and get paid (oh those were the days, getting paid for artwork).

Seeing as how late it is (or early depending on how you look at it) it is probably time for sleep, I promise the next post will be more interesting and not about me so much (cause nobody wants that).

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